
(ŭp-lĭft') tr.v., to raise to a higher moral, social, or cultural level or condition

Environment, Climate Change and Energy

Climate Justice Alliance
Organization Name
Short Organization Description
CJA formed to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities into a formidable force.
Long Business Description

The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) is uniting frontline communities to forge a scalable, socially and economically Just Transition away from unsustainable energy and false solutions to climate change. Fostering healthy, resilient communities will help to address the root causes of the climate crisis while enabling us to adapt to the impacts already underway. CJA’s members are rooted in Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander, and working-class white communities. We apply the power of deep grassroots organizing, direct action, coalition building, civic engagement, policy advocacy, and a variety of communications tools to win local, regional, statewide, and national shifts. Visit ClimateJusticeAlliance.org to see a full list of CJA member groups. The OUR POWER COMMUNITIES: CJA launched the Our Power Communities to win real solutions to the climate crisis – solutions that will foster quality jobs that meet people’s needs while caring for natural resources and ecosystems. We are flexing Our Power at the local, regional, and state levels and building to affect national policy to bring about a Just Transition. Building Local Living Economies. The “local living economies” model for our communities centers on:• Zero Waste• Public Transportation• Clean Community Energy • Regional Food & Water Systems • Efficient, Affordable, Durable Housing• Ecosystem Restoration & Stewardship We will reduce pollution and heavy reliance on extreme energy by transforming each of these economic sectors and, in collaboration with key research allies, will quantify the potential for jobs creation. Our goal is to create living examples of how such community pathways can put people to work transforming their communities, while reducing both cost and pollution burden for present and future generations. ⇒ Building Community Resilience. The creation of climate jobs and strengthening of community resilience will build more equitable, local economic infrastructure through: • Grassroots Economies – The best way to ensure that local economies are built in the best interests of local communities is to create economic structures that workers and local communities collectively control, and make democratic decisions on how to run them. Cooperatives provide an important model to meet community needs and strengthen worker/community governance. • Rights to Land, Water, and Food Sovereignty – With a deepening climate crisis, community rights to land, water and food sovereignty are increasingly necessary to both adapt to climate impacts and mitigate the causes of climate change. Resource rights are an effective solution for a just transition.⇒ Building Movement. From local to national to global, people recognize that real change comes when large numbers of people unite around common aims. Communities are building a vibrant movement to change the political landscape by opposing harmful practices and policies, while demonstrating that real solutions to climate change will improve the health and well-being of our communities.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+1 202-455-8665
Organizational Address
1960 University Ave, Berkeley, CA
United States
Organization Name
Long Business Description

Earthjustice is the nation's premier environmental law firm, defending our fundamental right to a healthy environment. For 50 years, Earthjustice has been the legal backbone for the environmental movement.
At Earthjustice, we’re a nonprofit in the business of building a better future. We represent our clients free of charge.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+1 800-584-6460
Organizational Address
50 California St, Ste 500 San Francisco, CA, US
United States
Environmental Defense Fund
Organization Name
Long Business Description

EDF is dedicated to protecting the environmental rights of all people. Guided by science, we create practical solutions that win support because they are nonpartisan, cost-effective and fair.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+1 800-684-3322
Organizational Address
257 Park Ave S Fl 15 New York, NY, US
United States
Organization Name
Long Business Description

O-Bless has a very similar mission statement to UpliftAnother.org. UpliftAnother.org's founder, Laban Johnson is also a co-Founder of GoFounders / O-Bless
O-Bless helps you connect with the right people to support a cause that matters to you or your community the most. From supporting an innovation to a social cause,
O-Bless aims to play a critical role in bringing together people of a like mind, working towards a common goal. We offer a common platform where people can publish videos and content that showcase their projects and seek community support to help fund them. Be it a social project, supporting a cause or a project that aims to support a small business financially, O-Bless can help you feature your cause to a larger crowd and get the much-needed push ahead.
Bringing in a philanthropic edge, supporting the society and helping smaller startups make a foot-holding in this competitive market, ONPASSIVE, through O-Bless hopes to bring in the much-needed respite that a new business or a person in need faces.
We offer a platform that helps individuals raise funds by reaching the people who are willing to come together around an idea or a cause. Whether it is the latest tech, supporting your favorite artist, helping an independent film-maker, helping a financially challenged person get treatment, O-Bless is an ideal platform to publish and get your cause, the necessary financial aid.
We have a strict verification policy to keep the campaigns genuine and transparent. We have a comprehensive system in place to protect contributors from fraudulent campaigns. All movements should abide by our “Terms and conditions”.

For Entrepreneurs
O-Bless is a platform to publish your next big idea and find the financial support it deserves. The platform aims to iron out an entrepreneur’s or a creator’s journey into becoming a success story. This platform leverages social networks and internet to offer entrepreneurs a transparent means to receive funds. We provide an opportunity to support businesses and new technology from the earliest stages of its development.
O-Bless offers a platform to entrepreneurs to tell their stories, create a business plan, and share their journey with the potential funders. We understand that the creators would want to control how the work comes together around their business idea. Hence, we have a strict policy of funders, not forcing recipients to change their message.
We firmly believe that innovation and creative expression is vital to a healthy and vibrant society. Creativity inspires creativity, and we want creative individuals to get encouraged and drive the funding campaign. We want the ideas to accelerate and escalate into successful organizations. Financially, backing a crowd funding idea on O-Bless platform is like helping a work-in-progress idea realize its full potential.
Our mission is to create a community that is conducive to creativity. Create an account to tap into our community. Reach out to friends and family and other early supporters. Win over the community members and let the project take the snowballing effect. O-Bless allows you to reach out to the other community members for support.

United States
The Caribbean Community
Organization Name
Long Business Description

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre coordinates the Caribbean region’s response to climate change. Officially opened in August 2005, the Centre is the key node for information on climate change issues and on the region’s response to managing and adapting to climate change in the Caribbean.
The two dozen island nations of the Caribbean, and the 40 million people who live there, are in a state of increased vulnerability to climate change. Higher temperatures, rises in sea level, and increased hurricane intensity threaten lives, property and livelihoods throughout the region.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
Organizational Address
3rd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Centre, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 563, Belmopan, Belize, Central America
United States
The Climate Group
Organization Name
Long Business Description

The Climate Group works internationally with leading businesses, states and regions to deliver a world of net zero greenhouse gas emissions and greater prosperity for all.
We are at the forefront of ambitious climate action. Our focus is on collaborative programs with corporate and government partners that deliver impact on a global scale.
The Climate Group stimulates action by businesses, states and regions, bringing them together to develop and implement the policies that make change happen. We also communicate their achievements to secure global public acceptance of, and even greater ambition for, a prosperous, net-zero future for all.
The Climate Group is an international non-profit with offices in Beijing, London, New Delhi and New York.

Organization Website Address
Organization Phone Number
+44 20 7960 2970
Organizational Address
Adam House
7-10 Adam Street
United Kingdom