
(ŭp-lĭft') tr.v., to raise to a higher moral, social, or cultural level or condition

Donor Committee for Enterprise Development

Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
Short Organization Description
The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development is a gathering of many of the funding and inter-governmental agencies working for sustainable poverty alleviation through development of "the private sector"
Long Business Description

Sustainable development can only be driven, in the long term, by a dynamic private sector; and external agencies can only contribute to that dynamism if their efforts are coordinated and collectively effective - which is the focus of the Paris Declaration for Aid Effectiveness.
The DCED contributes to this focus in distinctive ways. For example,
* the Committee develops best-practice guidelines based on the practical experiences gained in the field
* the Committee includes among its membership bilateral donors, multi-lateral agencies (Development Banks, UN agencies and others) and private foundations
* the Committee provides a forum where innovative thinking and approaches can be articulated and discussed
* the Committee provides institutional memory to members and others, in private sector development.

Organization Website Address
Organizational Address
United Kingdom